Thursday, 1 September 2011

The revered to-do list

It's September 1 today. There are four months left in this year. It has been a very important year for me. In fact, last couple years have been the most important of my life. I have become the person that I am in last four years. But this year has special significance.

I became most sure of my values in this year. I graduated this year. I made a tough decision this year. I came back home from Lahore, where I have been living for past 4 years, to my family this year. I came back home this year! I got a job this year. I started working this year. My work life started this year! I got another job this year, as an instructor. Anyway, enough to establish that this is an important year.

When I graduated, I had made a goal list. I made a list of things I wanted to do in the next six years of this year. Two months have passed since then, and I haven't started to do a single thing!

This list that I talk of, is very ambitious. I know now that I won't be able to do all of them. But there are some things that I have to do, and some that are bonus. So for example, I have to lost weight this year. The have to part is losing at least four kgs, and bonus part is losing twelve kgs. Let's see where I can go.
Here's the list that I am talking about, as modified by my current perception of what is reasonable. I do admit I was very ambitious when I made the list.

  1. Spend some time in tableegh.
  2.  Ideally and practically ten days, but I don't think I will be able to manage more than three day trips.
  1. Make a facebook app.
  2.  Now I am not really passionate about it, and there isn't really a point to it. And I have made one during my internship already, so the excitement isn't as much either. But still, just for the fun of it, I wanna make a facebook app. Though I don't have any good idea, but I do have one. More on that later. But if you have any, please share. 
  1. Learn C and C++.
  2.  C I will learn eventually, as my profession demands it. Meanwhile, I am planning to learn C++ as well. Again, just to expand my arsenal. To become a hardcore developer, I have installed Ubuntu, but it's coming all well. Let's see.
  1. Write a compiler.
  2.  Now this is definitely a bonus task. I don't think I will be able to do this one, but if time permits, I would definitely like to. The thing is, I took the compilers course, and I passed with a good grade too. But I never really enjoyed the designing and writing of a compiler, so I am planning I will do it from scratch now. The language I am planning to write the compiler for is Tiger.
  1. Study Operating System concepts.
  2.  Again, a bonus task. The installing of Ubuntu was motivated by this as well. The same reason as the last one. I took a course, didn't study properly. Now going to learn to make up for that.
  1. Study Computer Networks and Network Security.
  2.  All bonus :)
  1. Learn to read and research.
  2.  This I guess I have already started, as I am a research engineer by profession, so this is something I do for living. But I wanna get good overall, not just technical research.
  1. Lose weight.
  2.  I already talked about this.
  1. Read books.
  2.  Yeah, there are a couple of books that I would like to say that I have read. So I have to start reading them. Another post on them soon.

Well, that's all folks! Probably I will post about my progress or how I plan to do them in the next post. Till then, have dreams, work towards them, and enjoy yourselves!
