"We are filled with nifaq (hypocrisy). We may not make Sajda to any statue or any tree or any fire, but our heart makes Sajda to the beauty of ghair mehram. That's what you should think. You shouldn't think 'my eyes look'. You should think 'my heart is making Sajda to her. That's what I'm doing'. You actually say it: 'it's irresistible', 'I'm addicted', 'I'm hooked', 'I'm attracted'. You have become weak. Yes what you seek is weak, false, fake, but you are weak for wanting that. This is a type of nifaq. Just imagine then that Allah Taala is concealing our nifaq like he concealed their* nifaq. What if on the day of judgment Allah Taala exposes our nifaq just like he is going to expose their nifaq?"
* i.e. the munafiqeen (hypocrites) of Madinah at the time of the Prophet Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam
Shaykh Mufti Kamaluddin Ahmed from a talk in England on "The Fake Muslim"
(transcribed from audio so it may be slightly different from his exact words)
Full talk available on www.islamicspirituality.org