Tuesday, 20 February 2018

When you fetishize — as opposed to value — something, you wind up celebrating the idea of the thing rather than the thing itself.
Jonathan Mahler 

Monday, 19 February 2018

My weight loss - 5th attempt - Part 1

So I start again on this journey. This time, more knowledgeable, and also older, with slower metabolism, than before. Beaten a number of times.

A lot of things are different now. I have support! My wife (bless her soul!) is very supportive. In fact, all I have to do is just eat and sleep, and she can take care of cooking the mot nutritious and healthy food on which I'd automatically become healthy.

I started January 8. At around 142 Kgs. Sigh. I put on an extra 40 kgs in the last three years. They were, after all, a tough three years! But I am going back.

Today is January 19. So basically 5.5 weeks. So far the weight loss has been 9-10 kgs. I am stuck at 132 since last 1.5 weeks. I wonder what the reason is.

My goal weight is 75 kgs. Starting weight is 142 kg. So I had to lose 67 kgs. Of which now, only 58 remain.

If I continue to lose 1-2 kgs per week, it will take me from 8 to 16 months to lose it all. So far, the pace has been great. It has been 2 kg per week, but last week it's been zero. Let's see how it goes this week, then I will make some more changes.