What others say and I like.
Mostly an archive of internet articles I want in one place, with some of my writing and rumination sprinkled here and there.
Saturday, 16 November 2013
The company you keep
When you're all by yourself. You are not alone, there is a universe inside you. That universe has all sorts of beings in it. Make sure you stay in touch with the right ones.
Story of the book
Each word I write drops a little more of me onto the page. In time, I will be the book, the book will be me, and the story will be told.
Monday, 4 November 2013
Sunna prior to Fajr salah

In the discussion about offering the two rakah Sunna salah
prior to Fajr once iqamah has been called, sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Mohammad
Taqi Usmani (Allah preserve him) said,
‘The authentic saying of Imam Abu Hanifa (Allah have mercy
on him) and dhahir al rewaya is also that with two criteria
being fulfilled it is permissible to offer this salah. Firstly, it
is expected that one complete rakah (of the fardh salat al fajr) will
be attainable. Secondly, that they must be offered out side the mosque.
Imam Mohammad (Allah have mercy on him) said that even if
not one complete rakah only the last sitting (qaida al
akhira) is expected to be attainable than also it is permissible to offer
these Sunna .
Imam Mohammad (Allah have mercy on him) added further to the
first criteria but not to the second one (that is to offer it outside the
Imam Tahawi (Allah have mercy on him) added to the second
criteria. He said offering them outside mosque it is permissible, however,
inside the mosque is also permissible provided it is far away from the rows of
the congregational salah and in an isolated spot.
From all this discussion it is clear that the prevalent
practice of offering this salahimmediately behind the congregation
or few rows away is not permissible according to any of the madhahib.
The predominant (viewpoint) is to follow the original way (madhab)
of Imam Abu Hanifa (Allah have mercy on him). The Hanafi researches have given
preference to this. However, Allama Shami (Ibne Abideen) keeping in
consideration the feeble Muslims has given fatwa according to Imam Tahawi
(Allah have mercy on them).
Whereas, our Hanafi researchers, that include respected
(Shaikh Anwar) Shah (Kashmiri, Allah have mercy on him) do not agree. They
stick to the original madhab of Imam Abu Hanifa (Allah have
mercy on him). That is, one rakat is expected to be attainable
and it is offered outside the mosque.
Another issue to be acknowledged is that the permissibility
Imam Tahawi (Allah have mercy on him) gave for offering this salah in
mosque was during an era when loud speaker were nonexistent and there was no
clash between the recitation of the Imam and one offering hissalah in
an isolated corner. Nowadays when the recitation in (congregational) salah is
being relayed on the loud speaker I have doubts about the permissibility of
offering this (Sunna)salah in mosque. This is because there is
clash of recitation in this situations. It is, therefore, best to offer it
outside the mosque.’
Im’anul Bari, volume 3, page 416-7
Tuesday, 29 October 2013
Random Encounters
Read somewhere on facebook:
A: I need an advice. I have been offered a PHD position at University of Kansas and I am kind of confused to decide, so I need help!!
J: Depends on your preferences. The option is worth considering...
A: I need an advice. I have been offered a PHD position at University of Kansas and I am kind of confused to decide, so I need help!!
J: Depends on your preferences. The option is worth considering...
Monday, 21 October 2013
4 out of 5 dentists recommend this WordPress.com site
Found this written on a graphic design blog :D these dentists - they'd recommend anything, but it has to be good!
Found this written on a graphic design blog :D these dentists - they'd recommend anything, but it has to be good!
Sunday, 20 October 2013
netherlands main har cheez processed lagti hai
milk has like 1 year expiry
so i started buying the more expensive one, which expires in 5 days
Saturday, 19 October 2013
I am so so so tempted to make this a blog post, like others. With my commentary, arguments, step by step shredding it and taking it apart. But a part of me wants to just make it an overheard like thing - just the quotations. So you can see what I see. I know this is a failed experiment. Perhaps it's a bug in me, perhaps a feature? People usually don't see what I see. Not saying I am misunderstood or something :P Just saying, I see things other people don't.
P.S. I don't see dead people. And formatting (underline, italics, bold, parenthesis etc) are added by me. I don't actually remember exact words, so reproducing them from the memory.
A girl:
"I hate it when guys think that they have to protect the girls"
The next day, the same girl, while telling me tips of safe-living on campus:
"So we shouldn't travel alone, specially at night, and specially girls."
A girl:
"In Pakistan, people are not educated. They think chips (lays etc) are only to be consumed by individuals. They don't treat them as family snacks. We want to educate them, so buy the family packs, and the whole family would eat the chips with dips and sauces. Also, in Pakistan, guests would take offense if they're served chips. We want to educate them so they find it acceptable to serve chips to guests too."
"So you want to 'educate' them to eat junk food?"
"They already eat junk food! Are Samosay healthy? Pakoray healthy? Dahi Baray healthy?"
Can't resist the commentary. Basically, she wants (her organization wants, and she, like many other people, has to be good at what she does, so she has to buy the philosophy the organization sells) to change the culture of the people from unhealthy to another (more) unhealthy option, but one in which her company would make money. Why? Well, they're 'leaders who are working on exciting problems to change the world for the better'. For the stock owners.
When I went shopping with a bunch of Pakistani friends. It was one of the first shopping trips you make after going to a new country. The groceries are in the list too. I would look at every goddamn edible's label and make sure it was kosher. And there was another guy, who said something like, 'oh aap tou bari research kartay hain, main tou nahin karta itni' (Oh you do a lot of reasearch, I don't)
When I saw him shopping, he would look at the all the nutrients and macro nutrients and calories on every thing he got. Even the fruits he has been eating for years. And would calculate how many of those nutrients he was getting from other foods, then he would pick those.
This one may not sound ironic, well, because yo u have to know some information for something to sound ironic. I could just tell you, but it won't grounded in your knowledge base, so you won't protect it, and apply it to new information as you would what you now know, in fact, this would be new information to you too. Now, after this much BS, I don't feel like recalling the story here! Some other time.
There are so many more! Just wanted to get these off my chest. Don't even remember others. There are so many other stories I want to share, but they aren't ironic enough to be called Contradictions. But they will surely come on the blog.
P.S. I don't see dead people. And formatting (underline, italics, bold, parenthesis etc) are added by me. I don't actually remember exact words, so reproducing them from the memory.
A girl:
"I hate it when guys think that they have to protect the girls"
The next day, the same girl, while telling me tips of safe-living on campus:
"So we shouldn't travel alone, specially at night, and specially girls."
A girl:
"In Pakistan, people are not educated. They think chips (lays etc) are only to be consumed by individuals. They don't treat them as family snacks. We want to educate them, so buy the family packs, and the whole family would eat the chips with dips and sauces. Also, in Pakistan, guests would take offense if they're served chips. We want to educate them so they find it acceptable to serve chips to guests too."
"So you want to 'educate' them to eat junk food?"
"They already eat junk food! Are Samosay healthy? Pakoray healthy? Dahi Baray healthy?"
Can't resist the commentary. Basically, she wants (her organization wants, and she, like many other people, has to be good at what she does, so she has to buy the philosophy the organization sells) to change the culture of the people from unhealthy to another (more) unhealthy option, but one in which her company would make money. Why? Well, they're 'leaders who are working on exciting problems to change the world for the better'. For the stock owners.
When I went shopping with a bunch of Pakistani friends. It was one of the first shopping trips you make after going to a new country. The groceries are in the list too. I would look at every goddamn edible's label and make sure it was kosher. And there was another guy, who said something like, 'oh aap tou bari research kartay hain, main tou nahin karta itni' (Oh you do a lot of reasearch, I don't)
When I saw him shopping, he would look at the all the nutrients and macro nutrients and calories on every thing he got. Even the fruits he has been eating for years. And would calculate how many of those nutrients he was getting from other foods, then he would pick those.
This one may not sound ironic, well, because yo u have to know some information for something to sound ironic. I could just tell you, but it won't grounded in your knowledge base, so you won't protect it, and apply it to new information as you would what you now know, in fact, this would be new information to you too. Now, after this much BS, I don't feel like recalling the story here! Some other time.
There are so many more! Just wanted to get these off my chest. Don't even remember others. There are so many other stories I want to share, but they aren't ironic enough to be called Contradictions. But they will surely come on the blog.