Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Yet Another To-do List

Yet Another Todo List.

I keep making the lists of stuff I want to write about... and I keep forgetting the stuff I need to write about those stuff... so the lists stay.. mocking me.. teasing me... I wonder why it happens... I guess it happens because I keep waiting for the right mood... the right zone... when words are already flowing out of my ... where do words exactly flow out of when you're writing a blog? mouth? mind? hands? keyboard? whatever... so... I keep waiting for when I am in the right zone... and then those thoughts, those incidents, those stories... they remain untold, and fade away and get buried in the graveyard of so many such stories.


A friend came over when I was in the middle of writing this one. The paragraph above was only meant to be an introduction to an actual list :)

I have had some travelling recently... (Will it be called recently? It was in the last four months) and I have some stories to tell from that. I always have stories. Just a couple of nights ago, I remember saying to a friend 'so something amazing happened today...' and he cut me right there.. Saad amazing things keep happening to you all the time... so let it pass. I guess it what he really meant was that I have a knack of describing ordinary things as amazing. Amazing is that which amazes. I get amazed at seemingly ordinary things. It's a misfortune other people don't. They need to spend so much time and effort just to get amazed.

I made a trip to Ohio. That was in October. It was a very refreshing trip. I mat few great great people. I just realized what I had been missing out on in terms of spirituality since coming here. Great company really shows you what poor company is. I realized I have been, and usually am, in a very poor, negative company. It's better to be alone than that.

Even before this trip, there was another trip, to Austin, Texas. That had a couple of stores I actually can share here. I will write about them when they want to come out of me. Now... now my eye lids just feel heavy. And I have made the mistake of drinking coffee... so while my eyes feel like they need rest... my brain totally wants to work... ah... the brain... my brain is an ass.

What else? Hmmm... I can't remember... Let me come up with a name for that friend of mine... the one who came over when I had just begun to write this post... though I am always very cautious of calling someone my 'friend' - that word has a lot of Claim to it. A lot of promise. It means I would have to do so many things. So I prefer to keep people at distance. As associates? acquaintances. Not all people though. Some people I make friends with in three of four meetings. Others I just like. Like to help, that is. I will come up with a name later. Or ask him.

Some people from South Africa came here. Why? They traveled all the way for SA to here. With their wives. For forty days. You already know where this is going, don't you? They came here to meet Muslims, and remind us what our purpose in life is. For some, it's a reminder, for some it's news. It's amazing how people call themselves Muslim, and forget what it means. One of my professors used to say... Being a non-practicing Muslim is like being a non-practising virgin. It just doesn't make sense! You can say you find it difficult to do so, but you can't just say you don't choose to. You have chosen to! Already! If you didn't choose to, and are not fine with it. Then resolve it... it's not a small thing that can be just dusted off, it has to be understood, believed in. Perhaps - we all think about it. We all question it when push comes to shove. For most people it's a mid-life crises. That's exactly the time when they ask themselves, what's it all about? So those people came. From South Africa. And I hung out with them in the masjid. It was great experience. A good reminder. I made some resolutions. Some plans. So far, so good. Let's see. I don't know. Great things happened. My sleep cycle is now perfect... Haha.. those who know me, would know this is something I have always struggled with. And this has also been the biggest problem in my life. My sleep. Now it's okay. For past.... 5 days? I guess... hahaha... Let's see.

What other stories? I was coming from masjid one day. It was morning time, 8 am probably. 4 degrees C below freezing. The dew on the grass and the cars has frozen, making it look like there was thick white dust on every thing. The grass looked as it was tired and old. It's hair greying, growing white. It was cold. I was talking on phone with my mom for a good fifteen minutes, and my right hand had gotten pretty cold. The bus came. I got onto the bus. Darryl said 'Assalam O Alykum' - he always greets me with salam. I always shake hands with him. My hand was very cold. He was in the bus, warm. He took his right glove off to shake hands. He could have done it with the glove on. Haaye! Ikhlas... Allah hum sabko bhi ikhlas ata farmaye. 

How to find and do work you love: Scott Dinsmore

Monday, 9 December 2013


Regarding the good amal that you're doing in an satisfied way, or not doing. You should not feel bad. But you should think of increasing it. Never feel bad. Always feel thankful and blessed to be able to as much as you're doing.

When a person raises his hands to pray for something, he should feel thankful for getting the blessing of getting the idea of praying to Allah for that thing. That itself is something one should feel thankful for.

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Quote, Unquote

There is nothing more dangerous than to leap a chasm in two jumps.
— David Lloyd George

Aqli na ban, Qalbi ban

Reported by Abu Hurairah (RA): The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "Do not ask me unnecessarily about the details of the things which I do not mention to you. Verily, the people before you were doomed because they were used to putting many questions to their Prophets and had differences about their Prophets. Refrain from what I forbid you and do what I command you to the best of your ability and capacity".

Some perspective.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

And when you're with the lovers long enough,
The crazy becomes natural,
and the natural becomes lame.

Sunday, 1 December 2013

I feel like talking, but I have nothing to talk about.

I could go on and on about my day, or days, but they haven't been interesting.

I stopped working out. I don't know why. Cold? Laziness? I don't know. I can't just shove everything I don't do, or back out from doing under the blanked of 'laziness'; because... what is laziness, really? Is it a property in me that I can't change? Or a habit I have acquired? So out of the blue I just stopped working out because I have a habit of being lazy? Why did that habit kick in then, and not later? Because it got tougher then? And I like doing easy things? Because the risk of failure increases and I am scared of failure? As I write this, these are the ideas that my mean friend, the back of my mind, is giving me. But you know that? I would totally believe except that this time, with this workout thing, it wasn't the case. The workout was tough to begin with, if anything it got easier as I learned and mastered the correct techniques. So No. I can't agree to this line of reasoning of habit of laziness kicking in.

What is it then?

I don't know.

This post isn't even about working out, or not working out, or laziness, or what laziness is... It isn't even about anything. One thing programming, or being a student of programming and discrete maths and logic and philosophy, and being a student of Basit Bilal Koshul has has taught me, is to keep a track of how my argument (if it's an argument, if not, then... view?) is flowing from one concept to the other. And I often realize that I am talking, and not connecting to the initial point (when I have it)... sometimes I stop mid-discourse, and admit to not having an initial intention... and shut up.

So? What was I saying? that I wanted to talk... that I didn't have anything to talk about. That my days have become lazy, pointless. I need a haircut. I am insecure about my hair. I hate it how I lost so much hair when I dieted the last time, now, even if I grow then long, they just look... they don't look like hair. I will get them cut short. I don't grow them long. Whatever.

Two coffees. I have had two coffees since getting up, in the last six or so hours. I was so excited when I had made my first cup. That I would read something. But before I get in to reading something serious from the books, I wanted to waste some time online. That was a deliberate choice. You know, the enjoy kind of wasting? The indulgence? Except that, I didn't decide how I was gonna do it, and how much I was gonna do it. And guess what, I didn't even waste it, it just got wasted. I didn't even do the things I do to waste time! And I wasn't even entertained. Heck I didn't even read any intellectual masterbation articles! I didn't even chat with anyone! I called my mom, and asked her to have skype with me, and even that didn't even happen! I didn't even text back the people I had missed calls from! There was nothing even on facebook or tumblr to waste time with. I guess that's when I had another coffee? I don't know... had cereal. both times today. Had sandwiches in between. Nothing that made me happy. If only I had walked to the Pizza Hut, and had even a pizza, that would have qualified as genuine time waste! That would have made me do serious reading. Mind you, this reading also, is not my course reading.. it's just.. somehow, it's connected to some goals in life. And so, in my heart, I feel that if I do that, I would feel good about myself. And so my nafs wouldn't let me do that. If would say, if you want to enjoy so you can work, you need to do some useless effing thing so you can enjoy. What a loser state of mind to be in! What a loser habit to have?

Oh God. This exploratory post is not turning out so well.

Prayer. Isha is left, haven't offered Isha yet. That will help. That always does. Isha does. It puts me at peace, mostly.

Paper, term paper. I have to write. Still have a good one and a half day for it. Ah... well. Whatever.

Saad...tum bhi Saad.