Friday, 29 June 2012

Saturday morning mango shake!

My baby sister made mango milk shake for me last night. But I had stuffed myself so much over dinner, that I could barely drink it, let alone enjoy it. So I told her to save it for the morning. And she saved it in a bowl, in the freezer. So basically, I am up at this morning hour, and I have a bowl full of homemade ice cream! But it’s totally creamy, it has little grain size bits of ice in it so it stays colder for longer in my mouth, which makes it all the more better! It’s like a child of a really elite Gola Ganda and really rich mango milk shake! What a way to start a morning!

Not to mention that the walk outside at this sunrise time totally means it's a coffee day! Coffee Day!

So, which of the bounties of your Lord will you deny? Hmmm?

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Quote, Unquote

Read, every day, something no one else is reading. Think, every day, something no one else is thinking. Do, every day, something no one else would be silly enough to do. It is bad for the mind to be always part of unanimity.
— Christopher Morley

Tuesday, 26 June 2012


Every night, without exception, I get blessings that I'd be so lucky to deserve.

I come home to see happy loving faces that I have done nothing to deserve.

I eat delicious food every night, daily it feels like I am invited to a feast. I do nothing to earn or deserve that food. This is sheer blessing!

After I eat to the brim, I have a bed ready to sleep on, with a fan going over it despite the electricity shortage in my country. A bed that is not dirty, or stinky, or ragged.

The moment I hit the bed, sleep comes easy! In my entire day, I never do anything to deserve such a peaceful sleep. I don't work too hard, I don't exert myself, I don't suffer. And the conscience that doesn't bug me, I have done nothing to deserve that either.

In the morning I wake up with an energy of an unburdened boy. Thanks to Allah who takes my burdens away from me, and gives a fresh and easy morning.

I wish I deserved the the blessings I already!

Dear God, make me of what you are already giving me!

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Quote, Unquote

When I'm not doing something that comes deeply from me, I get bored. When I get bored I get distracted and when I get distracted, I become depressed. It's a natural resistance, and it insures your integrity.
— Maria Irene Fornes

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Quote, Unquote

When their eyes met she said, “I am nothing.”
He made no reply at first. But he looked straight into her soul with an expression so peaceful that she could not resist its calming effect. Then she had seen the faintest of smiles steal across his mouth as he said the words again. “You are plenty.”
— Blake, Michael. Dances With Wolves. 1988.

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Quote, Unquote

I prefer the company of peasants because they have not been educated sufficiently to reason incorrectly.
— Michel de Montaigne

Quote, Unquote

In answer to the question of why it happened, I offer the modest proposal that our Universe is simply one of those things which happen from time to time.
— Edward P. Tryon