Monday, 21 January 2019

Review: The Complete Guide to Fasting: Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended Fasting

The Complete Guide to Fasting: Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended Fasting The Complete Guide to Fasting: Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended Fasting by Jason Fung
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

As Dr. Fung says "The proof of the pudding is in the eating."

I lost 10 kgs (22 lbs) since January 1, 2019 (that's 19 days) following the guidelines in this book.

This book was so terrific, I used to stay up till 4 am reading it.

On Dec 31, I was 60 kg overweight, now I am only 50 kg overweight. Let's see how his advice holds up in the long run. We all know, the conventional wisdom does not.

Rating it 5 stars for now. Will come back and update the review in few months. Hopefully for the better.

Currently my mother is reading it, and she has already decreased her insulin more than 25 units per day while keeping her glucose in range.

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Thursday, 3 January 2019

Review: Apology

Apology Apology by Plato
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Writing a review for classics is almost useless. You cannot hardly say something that hasn't been said before. However, there are those that know me, to whom my familiar and inexpert opinion may matter more than the expert review of a stranger. For those I write. And for myself, for I am among those too.

This is an elementary text for people who need to learn the basics of Philosophy, which is everyone. Socrates not only does teach us how to argue, but also how not to plead innocent. He preferred death over unrighteousness, because he made it clear he was let to live, he would continue to do the same thing.

He teaches us about the importance of doing our duty, even if the cost is death. "For wherever a man's place is, there he ought to remain in the hour of danger; he should not think of death or of anything but of disgrace. And this, O men of Athens, is a true saying"

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Sunday, 9 December 2018

Review: Al-Ghazali's Book on The Etiquette of Marriage

Al-Ghazali's Book on The Etiquette of Marriage Al-Ghazali's Book on The Etiquette of Marriage by Abu Hamid al-Ghazali
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

People have been doing doctorates on the works of Imam Ghazali.

Imam Nawawi says if all Islam books were to be lost save the Ihya, it would be enough to replace them all. 1

Because of impact, and his unique Islamic journey, he has been called "Proof of Islam".1

Ihya is the most cited text of Islam, after Quran and Hadith.1

Ihya is divided in four parts, and each part is divided in 10 books, and this is the second book from the second part. I have been meaning to read this book for past eight years, and finally got around to reading it. It was an enjoyable read.

I cannot comment on the quality of the writing and the research and the knowledge in the book, as I am far too small for that. Like every other work of it, it's full of insights and arguments.

However, as people who are not concerned with rigorous scholarly arguments, and are looking for a book with applicable, practical knowledge should read other books on the same topic. However, if someone wants to dig deep into the philosophical important of Marriage in islam, then it's a very enjoyable and rewarding book. This should not be taken to mean that book is theoretical, no it's full of practical advice. But the state of affairs of today's world quite far away form then's. The moral corruption in men of today, is way more than of those times, and therefore, the people lagging in basics and fundamentals wouldn't do well to focus on etiquettes and intricacies. However, if someone wants to understand the beauty of Islam, then read on. It's only a few pages.

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Friday, 26 October 2018

Review: شرح العقيدة الطحاوية

شرح العقيدة الطحاوية شرح العقيدة الطحاوية by أبو جعفر الطحاوي
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Indispensable boook for people who want to learn the creed of Islam. Imam tahavi talks about what it means to be a muslim and what it means to be a sunni (ahl-e-sunnat wal-jamat). He talks about what beliefs we should have as muslims, what't the extent of our knowledge of Allah swt, and how to resolve some of the paradoxes we develop due to lack of knowledge.

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Monday, 8 October 2018


Archmaester (to Sam): In the Citadel, we lead different lives for different reasons. We are this world's memory, Samwell Tarly. Without us, men would be little better than dogs. Don't remember any meal but the last, can't see forward to any but the next. And every time you leave the house and shut the door, they howl like you're gone forever.

From Game of Thrones – Season 7 Episode 1: ‘Dragonstone’ (7×01)

Tuesday, 21 August 2018

V for Vendetta

Evey Hammond: I don't even know what you really look like. 
[Evey tries to remove V's mask
V: [V stops her] Evey, please. There is a face beneath this mask but it's not me. I'm no more that face than I am the muscles beneath it or the bones beneath them. 
Evey Hammond: I understand. 
V: Thank you.  

V: The only thing that you and I have in common, Mr. Creedy, is that we're both about to die. 
Creedy: How do you imagine that's gonna happen? 
V: With my hands around your neck... 
Creedy: [inhales with hint of fear] Bollocks. Whatcha gonna do, huh? We're swept this place - You've got nothing. Nothing but your bloody knives, and your fancy karate gimmicks... we have *guns* - ! 
V: - Now, what you have are *bullets*, and the hopes that when your guns are empty, I'm no longer standing, because if I am... you'll all be dead before you'll reloaded 

Quora: Learning how to Learn

Barbara Oakley
Barbara Oakley, Co-Instructor, Learning How to Learn, the world's largest online course
I’m becoming increasingly convinced that “chunking” is the mother of all learning—or at least the fairy godmother. Chunking is what happens when you know something so well, like a song, or a scientific formula, or a verb conjugation,or a dance routine, that it is basically a snap to call it to mind and do it or use it. Creating neural patterns—“neural chunks”—underpins the development of all expertise. We can use metaphors (another powerful learning technique!) to help us understand these ideas.
If you look at the above image, you can see that when you’re trying to figure out something new and difficult, it’s like a puzzle. As shown on the left, the roughly four “slots” of working memory go into a tizzy in your prefrontal cortex trying to figure things out. But once you have something figured out, (shown on the right), that understanding consolidates into a smoothly connected neural pattern. The pattern is like a ribbon you can draw easily to mind in one of the slots of working memory. Notice—the three other slots of working memory are left free!
When you are problem-solving or taking a test, if you have “chunked” the material well during your preliminary studies, you can easily draw a neural chunk—that is, a procedure or concept—to mind. Once you’ve got that chunk in mind, you can then draw up other chunks you’ve mastered, so you can put concepts together to solve even complicated problems that you haven’t seen before. (Here’s a video from Learning How to Learn that explains the concept of chunks in more depth.)
If you haven’t put enough of the right kind of effort into your studies, come test time, your little prefrontal cortex is like that of the lower left drawing—it’s going crazy still trying to figure out the basics. Sometimes people think they suffer from test anxiety when they perform poorly on test, but surprisingly often, they don’t. They’re simply experiencing panic as they suddenly realize they don’t know the material as well as they thought they did. They haven’t created neural chunks.
As a young person, I excelled when I used the Defense Language Institute’s approaches to learning language, which emphasized the development of well-practiced chunks that built gradually upon one another. Words became sentences became whole conversations. This helped me to learn Russian. At age 26, when I got out of the military and began studying the remedial high school algebra that led to my engineering degrees, I used the same “chunking” approach with studying math that had helped me be effective in language study.
For example, I didn’t just do a math homework problem and turn it in. Instead, particularly if it was an important homework problem, I would work it and rework it fresh, spacing the practice out over several days. I wouldn’t peek at the answer unless I absolutely had to. That ensured I really could solve the problem myself—that I wasn’t just fooling myself that I knew it. After I was comfortable that I could really solve the problem by myself on paper, I then “went mental,” practicing the steps in my mind until the solution could flow like a sort of mental song. I could perform this kind of mental practice at times people often don’t think to use for studying—like in the shower, or when I was walking to class. I found that this attention to chunking eventually gave me sort of magic powers—I could glance at many problems, even ones I’d never seen before, and know virtually instantly how to solve them.
Interleaving, deliberate practice, spaced repetition—all of these important learning techniques are important primarily because they help with the development of neural chunks. As “expert on experts” Anders Ericsson has pointed out, you learn faster through deliberate practice—the special focus on what you find most difficult.
See also What is the best approach for learning new things? What resources should I use? How should I retain the info that I have just learned? Should I use this info to write an essay or something similar as part of a long-term project?and What is the fastest and most effective learning process? Additionally, there’s lots more in our course Learning How to Learn, and in my New York Times best-selling science book A Mind for Numbers (which is actually a general book on learning, with plenty of metaphors—one of my favorite learning techniques!).