Thursday, 21 June 2012

Quote, Unquote

When their eyes met she said, “I am nothing.”
He made no reply at first. But he looked straight into her soul with an expression so peaceful that she could not resist its calming effect. Then she had seen the faintest of smiles steal across his mouth as he said the words again. “You are plenty.”
— Blake, Michael. Dances With Wolves. 1988.

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Quote, Unquote

I prefer the company of peasants because they have not been educated sufficiently to reason incorrectly.
— Michel de Montaigne

Quote, Unquote

In answer to the question of why it happened, I offer the modest proposal that our Universe is simply one of those things which happen from time to time.
— Edward P. Tryon

Test Post

This is just a test post to test out the functionality that blogger offers me to put in headings in my posts. I hear it's a good practice to use heading tags instead of simply styling your text. So let's see whether pretty too or not.

This is Heading. 

This is some random text. Boy I hate it when I have to put in some random text!

This is sub-heading. 

Really I do, unless it is random talking, then I am a champion.

this is a minor heading .

I would have even said a professional .

Monday, 18 June 2012

I don't want to, what I want to

I want to do what my instinct tells me. I don't want to do what I feel like doing. I don't want to do what I can do. I don't want to do what I am allowed to do. I don't want to do with I can get away with. I don't want to do the natural or the desirable or the comfortable. 

I want to do what is best. What is needed, what is beneficial. I want to be patient, not hurt. I want to be tolerant, not angry, even when I have every right to be angry. I want to be kind, not sad, even if I have born losses. I don't want to watch out for myself, I want to see where most can be gained for everyone.

It's not about nobility. It's about not being merely instinctive.

It's about love. I don't want to do what I would like to do, but what my beloved would like me to do.

Sunday, 17 June 2012


I and Asghar and Talal went to LUMS as friends. There my roommate, Russell Anas, became our close friend too. We were a group of many friends, but perhaps because on one or two occasions, someone's father just noticed us four, and decided to name us STAR (Saad, Talal, Asghar and Russell). A loving father, gave us a loving name. But, we being ourselves, changed it to RATS. Not because of the sequence of initials, but because the other meaning it gave. It was, and is, how we called our group. That kinda thing seemed childish. But well, we were all Rats, not just the four of us. And when Rats hung out together, there were Ratisms. So here are a few for you:

Russell: So you know she says to Asghar “Oh my god you’re the MAN!”
Saad: Look Russell don’t insult Asghar. He’s the ANIMAL.
Asghar:(sarcastically) No commentssssss…
Saad: See? Animals don’t comment.
— Rats

Why Brishna doesn't save her work

I am not a graphic designer, but I do have some designing experience. And my sister is a designer. She is not a pro yet, but she's on her way to be. In her school, they teach her stuff like story boarding in Illustrator etc. And well, anybody who has ever done something like that, or has written long essays on a PC, knows that when it crashes, and you lose all your work, it feels like there is no point to being alive anymore...

*dramatic pause*

As for me, I have developed a habit of constantly pressing Ctrl + S, with my left pinkie and its neighbor, so much so that while filling forms in those websites that require you to sign up, I constantly find myself closing the Save as html pop-up which opens up when you try to ‘Save’ a web-page. 

Anyway, when my sister had to leave her computer in the middle of some designing and I started using it, she always asked me to first save her work, then carry on. And when that happened a number of times, I asked her why she doesn't save her work every minute, like I do. To that she said that Z and S are so close, that when she tries to press Ctrl S, she sometimes presses Ctrl Z, which makes her lose her work instead of saving it. 

She didn't know about Ctrl Y.

She is in debt to me since then :)