Recently I started practising this thing called "Drink your food, Eat your water". The idea is that you chew your food to a soft mushy pulp, that it's almost liquid, and then you drink it. It's supposed to be easy to digest. I get that. But why (or how) to eat water? Well, as it turns out this, maxim isn't based in science (though it has science to it), it's based in Tai Chi. Where they have thing called Chi, which is supposed to by life energy. You keep food longer in your mouth to make it absorb more chi. Like wise, if you need to keep the water in your mouth for longer, you have to swirl it around your mouth, or 'chew' it. So it absorbs chi.
But this chi claim is not as absurd as it may sound. It has a science to it too. You have saliva in your mouth, your saliva. With your genetic encoding and what not. When food or drink is filled with something that the body considers its own, the body digests it and absorbs it readily, it thinks, it's a friend. Otherwise, it treats it as a foreigner, and gives it a harsh treatment.
That's all well and good. And it's my third day chewing food to a liquid. There are many things I have found out.
- I require less food. Almost half.
- I really enjoy food, that's one reason I ate a lot. But now, by eating slowly, I really really enjoy the food, and I don't have to eat a lot of it to do so.
- I can't talk while eating! For someone who considered eating a social activity, this is tough. But it's also liberating. In a way.
- I now only eat when I am hungry. I ask myself if the urge to eat arises, do you really wanna do the cumbersome process of grinding and chewing? And the answer is no unless I am hungry.
- I spend a lot of time eating! A full mean can take up 30 minutes! That also means I am still eating a lot... which is also meant by..
- I need to excrete twice a day. Earlier I never thought about it, but I am literally spending 2 hours everyday just eating and shitting!
So today I decided to count the number of morsels I can eat in 15 minutes, since that's how much time I can guiltlessly allocate to my meals. As I sat down eating and counting, I thought why not count all the morsels required to eat my normal amount of food. It turns out, the amount of food I eat consists of 17 morsels! That's almost twice the recommended amount! (The recommended amount is nine).
This is very neat actually. I will start eating nine morsels from tomorrow. And ideally it should take 15 minutes. This resolution makes me nervous, since eating less scares me. Hunger scares me. I don't know why though :/
I am assuring myself, that I won't die. That if I feel hungry again, I can drink milk! (We have really good cow milk at our home!) And if even that doesn't help, I can have a fruit. Or maybe nuts. But only if I feel hungry.
So let's see what happens from tomorrow onwards.